May 16th - 18th 2025
Selwood Academy, Berkley Road, Frome, Somerset BA11 2EF
Selwood Academy - (photo
by Brendan O'Gorman 2016)
Click for 2024 photographs from Chris Lamming
Tournament Sections
Five 5-round Swiss tournament sections with (approximately) 4-hour playing sessions (90m + 30s)
Trophies are presented to Somerset-Qualified players only
Grade Limit
Entry Fee*
(not including any
applicable ECF fee or Junior discount)
= £350, Second = £200, Third = £150
Denys Bonner trophy
Under 2000
First = £250,
Second = £150, Third = £100
Leon York trophy
Under 1750
First = £250,
Second = £150, Third = £100
Roy Hossell trophy
Under 1625
First = £250,
Second = £150, Third = £100
Cyril Chapman trophy
Under 1450
First = £250,
Second = £150, Third = £100
Gerry Jepps and Jean Mackereth trophies
* For late entries after 1st May add £3
In all sections there is no charge for Gold or Platinum ECF members.
For Bronze members or non-members
a £15 ECF grading fee applies (£6 for Juniors).
Junior Discount
There is a £5 discount for all Juniors under 18 on 16th May 2024.
Trophies and Cash Prizes
Somerset trophies are awarded to the highest placed Somerset
player in each section.
Dependent on entry, there will be at least one grading prize
in each section.
There is a team prize of £100 awarded to the highest scoring (genuine club) team of 4 players.
Playing Schedule
18.50 Opening
19.00 Round 1
10.00 Round 2
15.00 Round 3
10.00 Round 4
15.00 Round 5
Players will be defaulted if not present within 30 minutes of the start of a round.
Rate of Play
All Sections: 90 minutes plus 30 seconds per move from the start each game.
A half-point bye may be requested in any one of rounds 1,2,3 or 4 (prior to the start of the round).
Bookstall, sets and clocks supplied by Chess & Bridge: The London Chess Centre
Hot meals are provided at lunchtime by Devizes Catering. Hot and cold drinks and snacks are available for purchase daily.
Rating Information
The January 2025 ECF standardplay published ratings (Original) will be used to determine eligiblity for a section.
Where a player has no published rating, the organisers will endeavour to place them in the most appropriate section based on all available evidence of current playing strength.
The organisers reserve the right to transfer players to another section at their discretion.
It is a condition of entry that all entrants agree that their game results will be forwarded to the ECF for grading.
Conditions of Entry and Competition Rules
Please see the full Conditions of Entry and Competition Rules.