Pairing of round 4, at 1000 of 15/05/2022

Bo.FedWhite PlayerPtsNWResultNBPtsBlack PlayerFed
61ENG Usher, Frank (3)58 0 - 15(3) Holmes, Matthew AENG
62ENG Lanzer, Robert A (2.5)3 1 - 012(2.5) Symons, John B
63ENG Pinto, Phil B (2.5)9 0 - 117(2.5) Morrish, John
64ENG Evans, Alan D (2.5)10 ½ - ½24(2.5) Pride, Stephen CENG
65ENG Coldwell, Matthew (2.5)41 1 - 07(2) Southall, Christopher M
66 Paul, Edward (Ted) (2)23 1F-0F4(2) Sookphanich, GolfENG
67ENG Woolacott, Rob (2)26 1 - 08(2) Rogers, David RENG
68 Syed, Ashraf (2)11 1 - 035(2) Fraser, Chris AENG
69WLS Hurn, Robert AJ (2)28 1 - 015(2) Jones, Amanda
70ENG Shaddick, John (2)19 ½ - ½63(2) Holland, LynWales
71ENG Davenport, Robert (2)31 ½ - ½20(2) Webb, Christopher G
72ENG Mountford, Corinne (2)34 ½ - ½21(2) McGeeney, David BSCO
73 Tang, Luis (2)66 1 - 022(2) Kocan, Barry A
74WLS Kadalarasan, Ganesh Balaji (1.5)38 1 - 02(1.5) Acibar, ArnoldENG
75ENG Emmerton, Stephen J (1.5)36 0 - 114(1.5) Belinger, JohnENG
76 Ludlow, Roy A (1.5)16 ½ - ½37(1.5) Mottram, PaulENG
77JAM McCook, Natashane (1.5)47 1 - 018(1.5) Fewtrell, ChrisENG
78 Hadley, Derek W (1.5)25 ½ - ½61(1.5) Sud, ArnavENG
79ENG Constable, John (1.5)45 ½ - ½29(1.5) Pitt, Chris WENG
80ENG Collis, Paul S (1.5)53 ½ - ½32(1.5) Zielinski, PiotrENG
81 Jukes, Ben (1)13 0 - 150(1) Skalski, Sebastian
82 Archbold, Martin (1)51 0 - 127(1) Weston, David L
83ENG Daly, Grant (1)30 1 - 054(1) Constable, Christine FENG
84 Saunders, Merlin (1)52 ½ - ½33(1) Brackner, PaulENG
85 Osborne, Paul J (1)43 0 - 157(1) Maber, Martyn JENG
86ENG Devlin, Liam (1)44 0 - 165(1) Pugh, Noah
87ENG Ackland, Peter (1)62 1 - 046(1) Pope, Michael R
88 Leslie, Ian (1)64 0 - 140(0.5) Hunt, Ray KENG
89ENG Loyden, Gary (0.5)48 ½ - ½59(0.5) Mackie, Ian
90ENG Sartain, Patrick P (0.5)55 1 - 060(0.5) Wright, George AENG
91 Keech, Gabriel (0)49 ½ - ½56(0) Jeremiah, John
92 Stalidis, Andreas (0)42 ½ 0(0)( half point bye )
93WLS Parri, Deio (0)1 0 0(0)( not paired )
94ENG Cole, David M (0)6 0 0(0)( not paired )
95WLS Livermore, Richard EA (0)39 0 0(0)( not paired )